
“Music my flesh and blood, it’s been my only love” -Cole

When you find out that there is a semester long project in class doom and gloom immediately sets in,
you think about all of time and effort that goes into the assignment, having to make sure that you don’t
forget and all of the other work you have to do on top of that… And then I found out the assignment was
to create a blog. Being given this assignment to create my own blog was a pleasant surprise and also an
opportunity to complete something that I’ve always wanted to do.

“It’s 2008, I’m tryna paint the picture”: The year is 2008 and Hip Hop and R&B are beginning to grow on
the internet. The way that music is consumed is changing with streaming being introduced, the way that
it is stored is changing with the emergence of the cloud and online storage, and the way that the content
is being presented is different. Gone were the days of magazines articles, with the growth of the internet
and people becoming tech savvy the new place to get information was the internet and particularly blogs.

Blogs became the way to get the latest hip hop news or download the latest album or song. With blogging
being such a convenient thing to do, Hip Hop blogs began popping up all over the web and as someone
who considers themselves an aficionado of them culture, I wanted in. I hadn’t the first clue of where to
begin and I would just type on and on about whatever Hip Hop topic crossed my mind and eventually,
after a few failed posts and realizing I had no one to actually read these posts I gave up on and forgot
about my once promising (so I thought) blogging career.

Now that I have this project, I get to complete that little goal. In this blog I am going to write about
Hip Hop and R&B music. Some posts may be new albums that I like, or maybe an old album that I want
to revisit, perhaps my favorite artist and a moment of appreciation for them or my favorite songs that I
just want people to enjoy.There may be random song lyric quotes , or a funky title of a song to describe
a post. I will be writing about all things Hip Hop and R&B. and hopeful you will enjoy as much as I. 


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