Cole World

It's odd to be proud of someone that you've never met, never spoken a word to, and honestly have never even been same room unless there were tens of thousands of other people there, but I am sincerely proud of Jermaine Cole. The first time I listened to Cole I didn't want to like him! I was a huge Drake fan and this was at a time in which sides we're starting to be chosen and before I could officially say I wasn't a Cole fan I had to give it a listen and that first listen was undeniable and as much as I didn't want to listen in the beginning I had a feeling that Cole would be a staple in my music rotation going forward. The warm up was so refreshing, it was new rap but with that old school lyricism and sharpness in the bars. An early 20's "Young Simba" was hungry and you 
could tell in the songs, he constantly proclaimed himself as the next big thing in rap music and with every single tireless listen of the warm up I was on board with the idea and by the 
time I knew it Cole was my favorite rapper and I was scouring the internet for any loose song that he may release. I waited for an album, and waited and eventually Cole started to warm up again and I just knew it as album time. Friday night lights dropped and it was a CLASSIC this was the project that truly put Cole in the map but still no album came. On Friday night lights you could hear that Cole was past ready to release his album. Every song topped his effort on the already great effort on the warm up and undoubtedly the album was coming. When sideline story came out, I was honestly disappointed as a Cole fan. I felt there were so many attempts to make songs for others and not stick to his already great routine. Born sinner came out after and Cole went back to his base and the album was considered leaps and bounds better than it's predecessor. Cole's next album would skyrocket him to success and ultimately make him a world wide rapper. But now as I see all of the things that Cole has done in his career I feel a sense of pride remembering that first
listen I gave to the warm up.


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